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From Friends & Colleagues

“What really struck me was his kindness . . .  Never have I seen somebody who had so much dedication, and who was so kind to the people he dealt with.”
~ Lawyer Alexander Watt – worked with Singh on the annual golf tournament

“It is so sad. When I think of the number of people that Gur brought together for the tournament every year, he made it a real social thing. We had as much fun planning it, as we did on game day. Gur was so proud of the opportunity to give back.”
~ Brenda Aynsley – executive director of the United Way Thompson-Nicola-Cariboo, which partnered with Singh on the golf tournament

“I never met a man more committed to a project than Gur. He met with every sponsor and explained how important it was — and he seldom failed. He did it all in a low-key sincerity. Sincerity seeped out of him.”
~ Lawyer Dave Marr – worked with Singh on the tournament.

“I remember the way he advocated, not only for his patients, but also his staff and to improve the neuro care at RIH. He said that there is no sense doing complicated brain surgery, and then not do the best follow-up care. He was a genuinely good person. He always said the community has been good to him, and he wanted to give back to the community. Something that Gur also contributed was teaching. He promoted neuro rounds, so staff in the hospital and people in the hospital could go to them. It was a nurturing, learning environment he promoted.”
~ Mary Dymitri – Singh’s long-time head nurse.

“A kind, gentle man who did endless good things for the people of Kamloops. You never got the feeling he was put out by talking to anyone. He just welcomed anyone with conversation.”
~ Mayor Peter Milobar

My father, Dr. Denis Riddell, was a colleague of Dr. Singh’s for several years in Kamloops. He passed away recently, and at the memorial, I showed a picture of him with Dr. Singh. At the time, I did not know that Dr. Singh had also passed away. I wanted to share that picture, and to let you know that my father had the highest regard for Gur Singh, both as a physician and a friend.
~ Duncan – Edmonds, Washington

Special thoughts are sent to the family. Dr. Singh provided very special care to myself after a very traumatic head injury in 1973. I am very lucky to have been a patient of his, thus having a tremendous recovery which as enabled me to live a very productive and almost problem free journey. I am very touched by the lessons Arjun stated he learned from his dad, they are definitely inspiring and a true example of what every one wants to learn from a great parent, doctor, teacher and leader, all of what Dr.Singh was!!!
~ Linda – Kamloops, British Colmbia

Dear Manju and family- it was an honour to work with Gur, as well as to be briefly involved in his medical care. He bore the burden of illness with strength and courage. He also was a very gracious patient. It is sometimes difficult to be the physician for another physician; Gur made it easy for those of us privileged to be part of his medical care team. He made such large contributions to health care in Kamloops. We won’t see someone of his stature for a long time. He will be missed.
~ Steve – Kamloops, British Colmbia

Thank you Dr. Gur Singh, You see in 1985 he did a double lamonectomy on Ev’s back and gave her life back after so many years of pain. At 83 she will always be so greatful. We are saddened at your great loss and think of you often.I will miss that great stride ,the warm smile and stopping to chat. All the best to the Singh Family.
~ Willis & Ev – Kamloops, British Colmbia

It is with great sorrow that I hear of the passing of Dr. Gur Singh. I have fond memories of spending family times together in the Singh family backyard, many years ago. Thinking of you all.
~ Jane – Victoria, British Colmbia